Career Readiness Workshops: A day’s dose of inspiration, a lifetime of opportunity

Stories of Welcome

January 12, 2024


Feature image photo credit: Goldman Sachs


Starting a new life in the United States as a refugee newcomer who has been forced to leave everything behind in search of safety and stability encompasses many pivotal moments. The moment a family learns that a community is waiting to welcome them. The moment a newcomer steps off the plane at an American airport and is greeted by Welcomers who quickly become a lifeline in navigating the labyrinth of paperwork and appointments that rule the logistics of daily life in the United States. The moment a newcomer family opens the door to their new home. And the moment a newcomer starts their first job, taking the life-changing step toward independence and financial stability that can have an impact for generations.

Over 110 million people in the world today have been forced to flee their homes. Violence, oppression, and political instability mean they can’t keep their children safe or live a life of their own choosing and potential. It’s why so many are taking dangerous journeys and leaving behind community, culture, and language—everything they know, and everything they’ve built—to seek safety and opportunity where they can find it.

Newcomers often encounter many obstacles in securing employment, including: language barriers, transferring credentials, cultural differences in the workplace, and the lack of a professional network that can play a key role in getting a foot in the door. Yet, having the perseverance and support to overcome these barriers leads to outcomes that are often transformative, reaching beyond the individual to shape generational change.

Welcome.US has been working alongside community partners to prepare newcomers for new careers in the United States, with critical support from Welcome.US CEO Council members Google and Goldman Sachs.

In the fall of 2023, in partnership with Marks JCH of Bensonhurst, Welcome.US CEO Council partner Goldman Sachs brought together their own volunteers with volunteers from Soros Fund Management to host a workshop in New York City to benefit Ukrainian job seekers. Newcomers worked one-on-one with volunteers to learn best practices for their career searches, received guidance on how to strengthen their resumes and LinkedIn pages, and participated in mock interviews. Goldman Sachs generously provided every job seeker with a new Chromebook to help their career development beyond the workshop.

Employment is the No. 1 factor for long-term success in resettlement. These interactions gave our clients the energy and inspiration to last the next six months. It gave them the promise they can do this and that people, relative strangers, or outsiders, actually care. There are people who simply care.
Violetta Shmulenzon, assistant executive director, Marks JCH of Bensonhurst

The impactful day closed with a screening of the film “One Good Reason,” a documentary film produced by Tribeca Studios in partnership with ServiceNow. The 25-minute film shines a spotlight on Welcome Connect, the first-of-its-kind online platform created in partnership with Goldman Sachs, ServiceNow, and Welcome.US that empowers Americans to connect with people seeking refuge in the United States with the support of a sponsor.

Photo credit: Goldman Sachs

In November 2023, 30 Google executives volunteered their time to offer career readiness guidance and tips to Iranian and Afghan newcomers at Google's new Bayview campus. The highly skilled newcomers were invited to attend by Welcome.US community partner PARS Equality Center.

After a warm virtual welcome from Welcome.US CEO Nazanin Ash, volunteers worked one-on-one with job seekers to review their resumes, develop their personal pitches, and practice mock interviews.

Photo credit: Google

“Mentorship in these instances go beyond merely helping newcomers find employment; it empowers them to navigate a new society, build meaningful connections, and ultimately contribute to their communities,” said Vicky Bhogal, Welcome.US Associate Director of Employee Engagement. “The power of mentorship and community lies in its ability to catalyze a positive and transformative experience for newcomers as they rebuild their lives.”

One Google executive shared with the group that in addition to the professional skill sets the job seekers had, she was so impressed by the subtle talents newcomers possess: resilience, bias for action, can-do attitude, flexibility, and enthusiasm for continuous learning. The PARS team remarked that beyond the impactful guidance the volunteers imparted on job seekers, the most valuable gift volunteers shared was hope for a new beginning.

“It was inspiring to see the newcomers and volunteers come together - we are laying the groundwork for future success and security in the United States so today is a critical step in the process, said Sam Soltan, Employment Specialist from PARS Equality Center.

Photo credit: Google

While the event itself was a huge success, Google furthered the impact by providing complimentary professional headshots for all of the newcomers—a much-needed asset for career development in the United States.

Among the newcomers who participated in the two workshops were former professors, investment bankers, media personalities, engineers, and accountants—an amazing breadth of skill and talent.

Photo credit: Google

While global displacement is at an all-time high, talent shortages plague many industries and inhibit economic development across the country. In response, many state and local leaders, including from the government and business sectors, are looking for ways to meet talent demand and attract and retain recently arrived newcomers in high-demand occupations.

And as for the newcomers themselves?

“Employers should grab this talent quickly, before someone else does,” said Shmulenzon.

In 2024, Welcome.US plans to host more career readiness workshops alongside CEO Council partners to help newcomers across the country not only focus on their hard skills but also help them uncover those important soft skills that came to life at the Google workshop.

If you're interested in hosting a career-focused workshop for newcomers, please contact [email protected].

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