Policy changes have impacted sponsorship programs

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Register: Live webinar3 p.m. ET, Feb. 27

Join Welcome.US to discuss recent policy changes impacting sponsorship programs and tips on sharing support for newcomers.

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Read: FAQs about sponsorshipUpdates on changes to sponsorship programs

Get answers to your questions about sponsorship and new changes to the programs.

Read all FAQs

Act: Guide for sponsorsSeek support for your sponsorship application

Learn how to make an inquiry about a pending sponsorship case through your congressional representative and how to share your support for sponsorship programs.

Read the guide

Learn more: Changes to humanitarian parole programsHow sponsors and newcomers are impacted

Get the latest information about the impact of policy changes to humanitarian parole programs.

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Ensure America remains a place of welcoming! Your donation can make a world of difference by helping sponsors meet the critical needs of newcomers and supporting local organizations that are making welcoming possible in communities across the country.

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Welcome.US is a national initiative built to inspire, mobilize, and empower Americans to welcome and support those seeking refuge in the United States and help them thrive. The response from all corners of the country has been remarkable.

2 million+ Americans across all 50 states and in over 12,000 zip codes have filed applications to bring newcomers in need of refuge to safety.

42 of America's most influential companies are mobilizing resources, innovations, and employees to support those seeking refuge.

440+ organizations from across the country are supporting newcomers and powering a nationwide welcome movement.

American communities welcome together

Americans across the country who have opened their hearts and homes to newcomers in search of safety are making an incredible impact in their communities. Join our mission to support newcomers and build a sense of community with our nation of Welcomers.

Watch the video


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